What's "Good" About Good Friday?

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In the week leading up to Good Friday, we thought it would be a good idea to walk through a little bit of the meaning behind this significant day in the Church Calendar. For many in the Valley, as cultural and religious as this day is, the question "why is it called 'Good Friday'?" is very common.

First, Good Friday is paramount for the Christian because it is the day in which Jesus willingly suffered, was crucified on a wooden cross, and died as the ultimate sacrifice for sinners (1 John 2:2) followed by Easter where Christ, after 3 days, resurrected from the dead conquering sin, satan, hell, and the wrath of God.

Good Friday is so incredibly vital that the Apostle Paul considered it "of most importance" as Jesus suffered, died, was buried, resurrected, and then seen by many in accordance to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-7). Good Friday is the culmination and turning point in redemptive history because when Jesus cried out "It is finished!" he meant that the work by which we are reconciled to God was now satisfied through His atoning sacrifice.


There are many debates concerning the origin of Good Friday. There are some who say that the word "good" is a derivative of the word "God" suggesting the origin of "Good Friday" was actually "God's Friday."

In any case, here are a two reasons why Good Friday is so good in spite of the terrible sequence of events that occurred leading to the death of Jesus on the Cross: 

1. Good Friday is a Reminder of the Condition of our Hearts
As we begin to examine and learn more about Good Friday, one thing that it should lead us to is recognizing and understanding that we are a sinful people under condemnation. We're worse than we think! 

When we read the law of God, we should be quick to realize how good and holy He is and how depraved we are. Good Friday is a reminder that we are in need of a savior. The gospel of Jesus is what brings us grace and the relief of salvation.

2. Good Friday Leads to the Joy of Easter
 As bad as this day was, we could not receive the joy of Easter without it. On the cross, the wrath of God was poured out onto Jesus, the perfect substitute, in order for forgiveness and reconciliation to take place. 

Paradoxically, the day that is filled with bloodshed, grief, sorrow, and looked like a triumph for evil was actually a day where God's glorious plan of redemption had culminated to in redemptive history. 

Good Friday is where Jesus endured the cross knowing that it would lead to His resurrection and our salvation (Hebrews 12:2). Good Friday marks the day where wrath and mercy met at the cross. And that is why Good Friday is so good. 

Join us online, Friday, April 10th at 6:30 p.m. as we observe Good Friday and why it leads to our greatest need and hope.